
After three years, we are now winding down the business. Thank you for all your support.

As announced on Twitter last month, we are now closing up shop at Mamushi Mobile. It has been enormous fun operating this store and has been an honour to serve our customers over this time.

It hasn’t always been easy managing the logistical challenges over this period but we’ve been blessed with a very supportive community and a dedicated team across Asia, Europe and the US that worked together without ever having even met in person or even knowing each other’s real names. We successfully procured, flashed and shipped devices to individuals across the Americas, Africa, Europe, North and South East Asia, the Middle East and Australasia and did so predominantly transacting with Bitcoin and Monero in a private way without relying on third party payment processors.

The space has changed substantially since this business was launched. A wider variety of devices are now accessible for “de-Googling”, Bitcoin privacy tools that were only available on mobile are now available on desktop and team members had been contributing anyway to the Samourai and Ronin Dojo projects. It is a natural progression for privacy phones to be bundled with the products offered by the Ronin Dojo team and we are delighted to see what we started with Mamushi continue with RoninMobile